Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NAU Resignation Letter

July 7, 2010

Timothy Dzubay
National American University
Zona Rosa Campus Director

Dear Mr. Dzubay:

Although I hold myself to a higher standard than do many of the National American University administrators (Zona Rosa administrators excluded from this example), I have concluded that I must leave my employment with National American University effective immediately. This decision, although difficult, comes as a necessary step in this most recent discriminatory, biased, and inflammatory actions taken by the National American University administration in South Dakota.

First, they sought to assassinate my professional credentials by deeming me unqualified to teach pathophysiology. Once this was rebutted, they deemed me unfit to teach based on claims that “chiropractors” do pathophysiology differently. They refused to take into account my professionalism as a veteran teacher and past administrator at a regionally accredited institution of higher learning. Next, they claimed that my teaching pathophysiology would jeopardize accreditation.

All of this is inflammatory and offensive to me as a professional. I did not take this assault on me and my profession personally as I understand from whom this was coming. The fact that these high paid cowards would not address me personally either in writing or in person gave a clear indication of the quality and caliber of individuals behind this institution. This matter has now changed.

I accepted the position at National American University’s Zona Rosa campus as a diversion from my clinical practice. I enjoy teaching. I did not endeavor to teach as a way to supplement my income. However, in light of the insulting nature and tone of National American University toward me as a professional, they have sent a clear message that they do not value me as a human being. The University’s refusal to include payment for my time, expertise and professionalism through this period of “credentialing” (read: witch hunt) devaluates me as a human being.

I told you at the beginning of this credentialing charade waged by Marilyn Holmgren, et. al. that no self-respecting person would put up with this kind of insult. However, I felt a responsibility to my students and so I remained determined to not abandon them. The systematic dehumanization of me and the select other instructors and middle managers is the final straw. I expect to be paid for time served immediately. I am entitled to a defense of my professional credentials and my dignity as a human being. Therefore, I will be discussing this issue with all and any who will listen including accreditation officers, prospective students, Facebook friends, the blogosphere, and seminar participants this coming December and February.

Finally, I in no way hold you or Cathi responsible for this decision. Thank you for your support and friendship during the terms of my employment. I will be available to speak to you about my decision and help you to transition this class smoothly.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Andrew S. Bonci

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