LECTURE NOTES: For those of you who attended my lecture on Vitamin D, I will be happy to burn and mail you a copy of the lecture notes and embedded video. Just send me an email with your name and full postal address to andrew@drbonci.com and don't forget to let me know that you are requesting the notes on CD.
PROTHERA, INC: Many of you asked where I get my Vitamin D. I use a company called Prothera. You can find them on the web at www.protherainc.com. For more direct and personal assistance please contact Chris Johnson at (888)488-2488 ex. 105. Ask Chris about private labeling. After all, if you sell it ... it should have your name in it. By the way, the only way I benefit from your relationship with Prothera is that your opportunities are enhanced and Prothera remains a strong and viable company to continue to serve my needs.
NON-FRACTIONATED SUPPLEMENTS: For me the answer is simple. Standard Process. Call (800) 558-8740.
I hope to see you again in the future.